Sunday, December 15, 2013

My first blog post!

Nowadays, posting information and or content on Internet became one of the most important things to do in order to start building your own brand. Everything right now is about networking and social media everything is connected anyhow and information are more shared than ever.

I was thinking exactly how reach my "ice breaker" point and take the first step. I took two days trying to think about how I would organize myself before take the next step. It is not an easy tasks because usually we believe that we have the control and everything runs smoothly until we think about it and we found out that is not as organize as we though. I have decided to post my first blog. Now,  What should I write about? What would be a great starting and interested topic to talk about? I just decided to share the motivation behind this matter.

I was sitting on my dining table after three and a half years thinking about what I should do in order to evolve my business to the next level. What I need to do in order to enhanced the power on Internet to make a positively impact on my business. I have worked so hard until now and I am more than ready to take next step to my own evolution. It's time now to really develop, polish and apply my skills in order to achieve goals and be more effective in my everyday life

I have been reading lately online about the experience of other people that like me have decided to be an entrepreneur and move forward to start your own business and I found that I need to organize my ideas first in order to advance and do not lost effort running in circles.

Start getting focus it was the first action that I took. I start thinking in the positive instead of the negative to avoid thinking in terms of fear. I have decided to do something because I want to achieve it not because I do not want another result. My main goal is keep myself in a state of action and define exactly what I am looking for and exactly how I plan to make it happen one goal at a time. Looking for information and reading stories of successful people trying to convince myself that I can do it too! it is like feel driven, empowered and back up with resouces.

In the meantime I start feeling that every day I am gaining more confidence and today I see the glass half full instead of half empty. As soon as I feel today that I know the path to take I feel that is really possible to succeed. Visualization on your goals and achieve small goals every time would be a good way to keep you motivated.

The most important to me right now is maintaining the direction that I had decided to start today and put myself in the public eye with this blog is a healthy way to make a commitment to myself that I have decided to changed and evolve.

I have decided to move forward!

Maybe is time that you do same


Victor Aponte

C.E.O MOG Improvement Services

Twitter: @mogimprovement

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